
Stay up-to-date with our latest features

AI-Personalized messages

Create messages that drive conversions by personalizing your approach. Re:Shark is programmed to compose content designed to boost reply rates and improve conversion efficiency.

Revolutionize Your Workflow

Effective email marketing has never been more efficient. Re:Shark serves as a one-stop shop where the appropriate companies are targeted, pertinent employees are emailed, and reminder emails are dispatched at suitable intervals.

Once the appropriate companies and employees are selected, Re:Shark takes care of the rest.

Take Control of Your Business

Not only does Re:Shark provide the most efficient method for effective, automated personalized email marketing, it also offers real-time analytical insights into the performance of ongoing campaigns.

By monitoring the success of various email sequences and targeted companies, Re:Shark can assist you in optimizing your email marketing performance and conversion rates.

Secure Your Meetings

Arm your strategy with Re:Shark, and watch your marketing campaigns deliver powerhouse results.


Connect your favorite tools


Receive all interested prospects directly in your Gmail inbox.


Receive all interested prospects directly in your Outlook inbox.

Pipedrive & Hubspot

Directly add all your valuable leads to your favorite CRM.


Securely connect your LinkedIn profile to effectively reach your ideal target audience.


Receive notifications when a lead replies, opens a message, or schedules a meeting.


Connect Re:Shark to one of the 5,000+ applications via Zapier.


Schedule, track, and send emails or LinkedIn messages via Lemlist.


Schedule, track, and send emails or LinkedIn messages via Instantly.


Learn about the measures we take to keep your data safe

Your data will be handled in conformity with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The GDPR was implemented to ensure data safety in the EU, so it is important that Re:Shark handles your data in accordance with these guidelines.


All data stored in our database is securely encrypted. Rest assured, your information is safe with Re:Shark.

Data footprint

The Re:Shark software has been designed to only collect data that is relevant to the campaign for which that data is being gathered. In doing so, we ensure that we minimize our digital footprint.

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