About the sharks

Re:Shark Team

Youp Overtoom
Head Commmerce & Marketing

Makes sure Re:Shark grows to its full potential

Jimi Buser
Head Finance & Operations

Makes sure everyone is payed & everything runs smoothly

Joshua Offermans
Head IT & Processes

Makes sure Re:Shark offers the best software in the market

Bram van der Heijden
Lead Operations

Maks sure our partnerships get more than what they expect

Thomas Kramer
Sr. Customer Succes Manager

Makes sure Re:Shark is always in touch with our partners

Jens Rozenbroek
Jr. Customer Succes Manager

Makes sure that new partners are perfectly onboarded

Paul Daniëlse
Sr. Developer

Makes sure the IT-infrastructure is solid

Bas Lemmens
Investor & Advisor

Makes sure Re:Shark is steering to the right direction

Arne van Faassen
Sr. Partnerships & Sales

Makes sure new partners find the best partnership-form possible

Finn Havinga
Sr. Finance

Makes sure all invoices are being payed and budgets are made

Matthijs Visscher
AI-model maker

Makes the life of everyone using Re:Shark more time-efficient

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